Leaking Caps in a McCormack DNA-1???

Does anyone know if the McCormack DNA-1 or DNA-1 Deluxe edition ever suffered from leaking electrolytic caps? I am replacing a pair of Adcom GFA-565's (monoblocks) which I got rid of b/c of that problem. I believe that the original DNA-1 was made about the sametime as the Adcoms. Any help is appreciated, Thanks!!

Showing 1 response by stevemcx

Hello Boat -

The DNA amps were designed with high-quality parts that were used conservatively. I have not seen any pattern of part failures over the years, and I have rarely seen any capacitor failures. It's hard to say exactly how long these parts will last, but I expect them to keep going, and going, and going...

Best regards,

Steve McCormack