Latest Absolute Sound

I just got it yesterday and they are reviewing amps from 12k to 97k. I sat back and thought who is really buying this stuff. I know the average audiophile Isn't and the one's that actual have the money are always looking for deals via Audiogon. Is this just audio porn for the readers or are people actually buying this stuff.
The latest issue has at least one review of an amplifier that costs under $5K.
atmasphere4,602 posts02-05-2016 1:26pmThe latest issue has at least one review of an amplifier that costs under $5K.

Perhaps they've seen this discussion that's why :-)

geoffkait2,774 posts02-05-2016 7:27amThat dude driving around a new Bentley did not get it from Enterprise Car Rental.  

There are actually luxury and performance car rentals in Miami. I once was a servant of a very rich family and their young adult son decided to rent 911 twin-turbo. Having realized that he was inadequate in his driving, I asked him to move away from driver seat to void heavy consequences :-)

I have no problem with TAS reviewing expensive gear.  It pushes engineers to keep designing better and better products.  The technology they put in the high end gear today is in tomorrows affordable gear. 
The price of high end equipment these days are outrageous. I don't think the sound are much better than 80' & 90' class A and B components, but the price is easily 5 to 10 times more expensive. So, I always bought used and happy.
I think the business plan of ultra expensive stuff is great…Bugatti already has 100 orders for the not yet available new supercar, 200 grand for audio components with no (or few) moving parts are common, and hey…exclusivity worked for Bernie Madoff, so why not? I feel a self satisfied smirk coming on when I think about my relatively inexpensive hifi rig (lots of used but geekily vetted items), and recently a friend commented on my great sounding Linn turntable (bought used and re-wired) by saying, "Most people would consider 500 bucks a LOT for a turntable"…and he's right.