@tkrtrb125 What data are you using to back this claim? So far, I've only seen 2 failures out of an estimated few hundred owners (including myself) reporting overwhelmingly positive experiences across various forums. I've owned the Harmony since launch and hadn't had a single hiccup, despite using it almost daily.
That's an extremely low failure rate. Check out a new product launch from a major company like Samsung or even Nvidia to compare. I actually went through 3 returns on a Samsung TV a few years ago that had the same defects before giving up. Nvidia literally had meltdowns and fires due to their connector design. I've since bought another Samsung and they no longer have the issue, but the point is that failures (especially with electronics) are common and expected regardless of the manufacturer or product, which is why warranties exist.
Laiv gives a 3 year warranty and is very responsive. My credit card doubles that and the DAC itself sounds wonderful.
Your argument is that a ~1% failure rate makes it a bad product that should be avoided? That's insane.