Lack of popularity of Chord???

Hello.  I’m wondering if anyone knows why Chord products are so rarely discussed on this forum.  I own and love a Chord Dave DAC/headphone amp, and I’ve considered including a Chord amp to go with the Dave, but I’m wary of this choice because Chord seems so unpopular on this forum.  Not that it is a popularity contest per se.  But is there something I don’t know about Chord products in a full size system?  I t would drive Sonus Faber Sonetto V speakers. I’d be grateful for any and all feedback.
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Showing 1 response by verdantaudio

Chord is probably one of the most popular brands of high end DACs.  It is expensive relative to products made in China since it is made in the UK but I think it is generally discussed frequently and is highly regarded.

They haven’t launched a new product in about 2 years so that limits appeal but the recent launch of the 2Yu should cause a small increase in discussion.  We are expecting a Mojo 2 this year.  
What is less popular are Chord amps, preamps and integrated amps.  They are relatively expensive, historically were quite bright and although quite detailed, use switching power supplies which limits the appeal.  The new Ultima line is MUCH more natural sounding but it is still brighter than other brands.  

I like them a lot but only with the right speakers.  With a pair of Wilson Benesch or Vandersteen speakers, they can be jaw dropping.