Kubala Emotion vs MIT Oracle V4/ V3 speaker cables

Anyone have knowledge of the general sonic difference between these speaker cables? Wilson Sasha speakers. Thanks!


Hello,  half an answer here:

I auditioned Emotion cables vs Audience Au 24SX.

I chose the Audience as being clearer and cleaner sounding.

Later, I tried the KS Elation cables.  OH wow.  All the clarity and resolution but much more meat on the bone; Better midrange and bass.  I learned that sometimes bright and clear sounding is actually an absence of the midrange.

Hope that helps!

Fast freight,

Actually very helpful. One question, did I the Emotion have a fuller balance since more meat in the lows and mids than the 24sx?


Hi,  I chose the AU24SX because I thought they just sounded better.  To me, the Emotions were a bit 'dark' or less resolving on the high end.  I bought a full loom of the AU24SX.  I guess you could say the Emotions were fuller balance and more meat on the low end.  But I love the sparkle!  The Elations are 'clearly' in another league.  From top to bottom excellent.   I know more $, but to me worth it.  I sold all my Au24SX and now have full loom of Elation.  Anywhere close to Maryland?  It was an education when my friend / dealer brought over the Elations when he delivered my speakers.  I learned that brightness sometimes means less midrange.

And the KS are not expensive by some comparisons.  Ken

Hi Ken,

I am in Frederick Maryland actually! I am using all MIT with Oracle V4 speaker cables in a BAT / Wilson setup. Where in Maryland are you?