Kubala Emotion vs MIT Oracle V4/ V3 speaker cables

Anyone have knowledge of the general sonic difference between these speaker cables? Wilson Sasha speakers. Thanks!


Hello,  half an answer here:

I auditioned Emotion cables vs Audience Au 24SX.

I chose the Audience as being clearer and cleaner sounding.

Later, I tried the KS Elation cables.  OH wow.  All the clarity and resolution but much more meat on the bone; Better midrange and bass.  I learned that sometimes bright and clear sounding is actually an absence of the midrange.

Hope that helps!

Fast freight,

Actually very helpful. One question, did I the Emotion have a fuller balance since more meat in the lows and mids than the 24sx?


Hi,  I chose the AU24SX because I thought they just sounded better.  To me, the Emotions were a bit 'dark' or less resolving on the high end.  I bought a full loom of the AU24SX.  I guess you could say the Emotions were fuller balance and more meat on the low end.  But I love the sparkle!  The Elations are 'clearly' in another league.  From top to bottom excellent.   I know more $, but to me worth it.  I sold all my Au24SX and now have full loom of Elation.  Anywhere close to Maryland?  It was an education when my friend / dealer brought over the Elations when he delivered my speakers.  I learned that brightness sometimes means less midrange.

And the KS are not expensive by some comparisons.  Ken

Hi Ken,

I am in Frederick Maryland actually! I am using all MIT with Oracle V4 speaker cables in a BAT / Wilson setup. Where in Maryland are you?

Hey,  I am in Ellicott City!  Pretty crazy with stuff and contractors in my house right now and then going away for first two weeks in April.  Would love to get together after mid April or whenever after that!  PM me and we can exchange contact info.

I have Audionet electronics and Mola Mola DAC with YG speakers.

Awesome!  Ken


Sounds great! Would love to get together! Less than an hour away. I have a guy who wants my Oracle V4 now and another with a good price on a 7’ pair of emotions so I might end up pulling the trigger before we get together. My net cost would be about $600 but driving blind. This deal will be expired in 3 weeks I guess. Don’t know if good match for Wilson Sasha. Any clue?


 I lived with Cardas Golden Reference for 8 years with my Sasha Series 1, No complaints. The word 'disappeared' comes to mind. As in no sonic signature. The Amp was a Krell EVO 302.