KT150s in Audio Research Reference 75 (non SE)

Hey all.  Need some advice. 
I've just dropped in KT150s into my Ref 75 (non SE). 

I purchased "perfect pairs" from TheTubeStore.  

I cannot bias them.  They are all too hot.  There are a couple (of the 4) that if I turn the bias pot all they way down will get very close to the bias range (per the needles).  There are another two that even with the pot turned all the way down are reading past the bias range and the needles are about 7mm beyond the bias range. 

Two questions:
1) Am I doing something wrong?
2) Will it hurt anything to run this a little over the ideal bias range, or just shorten the tube life?  Will it impact sound? 

I thought KT150s were drop in for KT120s.  Am I wrong? 


Just saw and thought I’d add my experience to the mix here.
I picked up a used Ref 75 from my local ARC dealer about 2 months ago. I was told at the time that it has a lot of hours on it, and that a fresh set of tubes would be a good idea, and that it would be a good idea to make the switch to running KT150’s.
I felt uncomfortable about just swapping out the tubes, without doing the full SE upgrade, so I did not do it.
A little while later it blew a fuse, so I took it back to the shop I bought it from to see if it was indeed just the fuse, or something else. When I got down there we had a great conversation about upgrading to the SE version or just switching to KT150’s. They recommended a call to George Meyer the local ARC service center, to get their input on it.
So that’s what I did. George Meyer’s tech was great. He said that yes indeed, just switching to the KT150’s was a good improvement to make.
So I did. George Meyer put in the new KT150’s, and found the cause of my amp’s blowing the fuse. To say they did a great job would be to make a real understatement. Fantastic service. It was done and ready to go in less than a week. Of course the amp just sounds fabulous.
So bottom line is, since ARC's  LA service center recommend the switch to KT150’s, without going the full SE upgrade path, I see no reason not to do it. George Meyer is an authorized ARC service center, and I certainly trust them.  Hope this helps.

By the way.  I dropped a set of Audio Research sourced KT150s, no problem, they biased w/ ease.
How do they compare to KT120s?
By the way.  I dropped a set of Audio Research sourced KT150s, no problem, they biased w/ ease. 

My guess is the tubes.   In 2015, ARC officially approved running KT150s in non SE and other non reference models.

BTW, SE shares same transformer as Non SE ... most obvious differences are caps and wires.

 I find your problem perplexing. A great many people, including me, ran the 150's in the Ref 75 for some time, with no problems. I certainly had no difficulty biasing at all, strange. The only problem was not being able to put the lid back on.

 Having said that, I went on to have the full SE mod, with still more improvement to the sound. I am sure ARC is right, in the long run, you need to have the full SE mod, to avoid problems with the amp.

 Very difficult to be precise, because of the lag time in getting the mod done, but I thought the 150 tubes and the SE mod, provided about 50% each, to the big overall improvement in changing from 75 to 75SE

I just purchased a Ref 75 SE.  Should have it Friday.  I will be selling my Ref 75 ( w kt120s) here soon.  
Thanks all. 

To me, this is a simple matter of trust.

I have no reason whatsoever to not trust the Audio Research technical expert's statement. Also, since my REF 250s are probably out of warranty, I really don't want to take this chance.

But, people being how they are want to upgrade and experiment.  In cases like this, a simple phone call to the manufacturer is always the first thing I would do.  no reason not to trust them.

George Meyer audio is an authorized repair service for several brands, including Mark Levinson and Audio Research.  They also told me that dropping KT150s into the non-REF series is not a good idea.

Let me just say this.  no company would replace/upgrade the power supply transformers just to sell an SE version if it wasn't necessary.  I haven't seen one example yet of Audio Research telling people not to tube roll for other amps.  Only in the case of the KT150s have I seen this recommendation.

So, as the saying goes, you takes your chances.  When the transformer or other components fail, don't stand their wild eyed and say, wow! I didn't expect that.

This is like taking a stock turbo charger out of a car and replacing it with a monster turbo without making the necessary adjustments to timing and intake, etc. to ensure the motor doesn't blow up with too much boost and internal pressure.

It'll work for a while, but when it goes, it will be spectacular and dramatic.

I know the OP decided against this, but for me, when I can afford to upgrade to SE and I deem it necessary (too totally different things), I will do so. 

What I would like to do, is (asking for trouble now) borrow a pair of REF 250 SE amps and do a side by side comparison with my REF 250 amps and actually hear the difference.  That would be fun.

Long post, sorry.

I heard a dramatic side by side difference between my REF 3 pre amp (still an outstanding pre-amp) and a REF 5SE pre amp.  Wow!  even my non audiophile guest heard and appreciated the sonic differences.  I did not hear that much of a difference between the REF 5SE and the REF 6.  However, truth be told, the REF 6 came to me with only 24 hours on it.  So, since I traded the REF 5SE in for the REF 6, I couldn't hear the side by side after the REF 6 was broken in.

As with high performance cars, same with electronics, if one knows what they are getting into and can afford the consequences, then as long as one's eyes are open, do what you like.  But, if you can't afford to replace thousands of dollars of blown transformers and other components, I definitely wouldn't go down this path.


I really appreciate all the information.  I believe everyone, so it's a bit perplexing. 
In the end, they simply won't bias in my Ref 75.  I did get them matched for the Ref 75SE from TheTubeStore.  
They all have stickers that say perfect pair and "81" is written on the labels.  
Nonetheless, they won't bias properly.  
So, I'm not going to run them.  I've put some new KT120s I had in, and they biased quick and easy.  
I'll just look to upgrade to SE soon, and keep the KT150s as spares for down the road. 
Thanks all. 
I spoke in person to a very highly placed ARC representative (whose name I promised not to reveal but all who follow ARC would know) in late 2014 just around the time that the Galileo series was in production and prior to the release of the SE amp versions (which the rep hinted would come soon). I asked if I could drop KT150s into my Ref 150. He said that ARC had tested the KT 150s for months in the standard models and that there would be no harm in dropping the KT150s into my amp although he also said that ARC had not obtained sufficient quantities of the tubes to sell them direct. He suggested that I wait for ARC to sell them in the future or, if I was in a hurry, to purchase from Upscale Audio. 
I did so, biased the tubes at the standard 65mVs and am currently beyond 1,800 hours with nothing but satisfaction. Months later the SE series came out and, of course, contained modifications specifically designed to accommodate the KT150 tubes. Nevertheless, I understand from those who have compared the SE to non-SE amps with KT150s that the tubes alone get you most of the gains in sound that the SE provides in a combination of the KT150 tubes and hardware upgrades.
I am sure ARC would never officially say this now--after all they want to sell the SE versions--but look at the posts here on Audiogon and Audio Aficianado in late 2014 and early 2015 regarding the issue and you will see a number of non SE owners dropping KT150s into their Ref series amps. All came back with favorable results and no problems were reported.    
I spoke with the Audio Research technical expert about 2 months ago.
I also spoke with George Meyer rep and the actually do the upgrades to SE and also said you should not use KT 150s without the larger transformers and other work. 

I believe them

I believe Minor1 is correct.  If iit was my amp I would call Audio Research and ask.  Since they design and build them, they will have the correct answer for you.
Thanks very much for the reply.  Interesting.  I read several posts here where people had great success and were just dropping them in.  Some said they didn't even have to adjust bias.  

Audio Research does not recommend that you use KT150s in their non SE amps.  The modifications to SE are more than just tube replacement.  The power supply (transformers) are upgraded to larger capacity transformers and other electrical changes are made to accommodate those new tubes.

I own REF 250 (non-SE) amps and contact Audio Research directly for their input on this and I was specifically told to not use KT150s.

You do so at your own risk.  I would definitely not do it.


I put the KT120s back in, and they were indeed set all the way down... way below the window.  Put the KT150s in again, still set bias screw all the way down, and they climbed to the same beyond-the bias marks.  Just searched the manuals, and both ref 75 and 75SE are to be set to the same 65mV.