Krell Moves to new location


You're welcome.

It simply boggles my mind that they haven't uttered a peep about the status of everyone's gear in for repair or that it's even a concern. As was stated previously, irreparable damage.

Gotta hit the one I highlighted or you get a site that looks like Arabic.

That was Thai.

Unfortunately, our old domain,, and related emails have been hijacked, and are no longer under our control.

If Krell had paid the $25 domain renewal fee maybe it would still be under their control? Also, whoever owns the domain name now is probably more than happy to sell it back for a fee, since that's the business they're in - selling domain names. But, no; instead:

Remedies are being pursued.

Hahaha sure

I just hope folks get their gear back soon.


It seems to me that Wil's careful wording indicate that he is under tight legal restrictions that might be out of his control. A gag order of some type comes to mind as he is seems to tiptoe his way forward.

Reading on facebook, Techs are back in the shop working on the backlog of units,other then that who knows