Krell FPB 300 vs ML 333 for Thiel CS6

Planning on upgrading from using the front channels on a Proceed AMP 5 (now) to either of the two mentioned in the header. Anyone have any idea of which would be the better choice ? Thanks.
I have heard the FPB200, ML 331.5 and 334 on Thiels. All are excellent IMO. Personally I liked the 334 better.

The .5 upgrade if I remember correctly is approx. $2k.
The issue I had mentioned earlier regarding the ML 3xx series has been well documented on the web. Harmon no longer offers the .5 upgrade. I had asked when I sent my amp back for fix 2 years ago.

I think system synergy will play a big part. So you need to think about which preamp you will be using. I am using a GNSC modded ARC LS-25 Mk I.

I had a chance to hear the Pass X350 next to the X350.5 at a friend's house. Huge difference. All present agreed that the non .5 version sounded more like the typical SS amp, cold and sterile. The .5 amp has that midrange warmth that earlier Pass Aleph amps were well known for.

Thanks all for the responses. Does anyone know roughly how much the capacitor repair job costs for the ML 333?
$900 + shipping both ways. So figure about $1200 to $1300. There's another thread talking about this right now.
