I am one of the dealers for KR and have had them in my own Art Audio Opus 4s. They have the same power output as a typical KT88 but the plate dissipation of a KT120. They will last longer. This is the same recipe KR used on their 300Bs. Plate dissipation is 50w vs. standard Western Electric Spec of 40w.
In practice, they are more linear. "Better" top end and tighter bottom end. This means tighter bass response but also means a brighter presentation which is why better is in quotes. In my system I found them to be too bright and shifted to a different tube compliment. My amps also accept KT120s and I opted for those to get just the right tonal balance I was looking for. If you are looking for more top end energy and tighter bass, they are incredible. If you are happy with the Gold Lions tonal profile, move on.