Koetsu Rosewood - Best/safest way to clean stylus

I have a Koetsu Rosewood Signature and have been cleaning the stylus using LAST (I think that is the brand) liquid with a brush, followed by using the cueing to drop the needle onto a Magic Eraser 4-5 times. I think this works pretty well, but I worry about the liquid... having read about liquid wicking up the cantilever, etc.

Could using liquid damage the cartridge? Could dropping the cueing down onto the Magic Eraser "grab" the needle and damage the suspension as I raise it? It seems like the only safe way to use Magic Eraser because I don't trust my hands to be steady enough to do it any other way.

Is there another cleaning method that has actually been proven (via microscope) to clean the needle safely and be safe for the cartridge?


Showing 3 responses by lewm

“Friction “ is not going to happen if ME Is used correctly. The only way that ME could stick to the stylus is if the stylus tip were to penetrate below the surface of the ME such that it gets enmeshed. When I drop my stylus on ME using the cueing device it literally bounces on the surface of the ME. This suggests to me that there is no way the stylus is getting trapped in magic eraser. But obviously if you move either the stylus or the magic eraser laterally, that is, in the horizontal plane, while the two are in contact, then you could have a problem. Which is to say, don’t do it.

I also own and occasionally use an ultrasonic stylus cleaner. The thing about it, is that it is not ultra sonic. These devices vibrate at somewhere between 200 and 500 cps. That is in the audio range, and it is very unlikely to damage the stylus. I think the sonic cleaners are effective at shaking out dust that has crept up into the mechanism of the cartridge, which magic eraser cannot do.
 The force between the magic eraser and the stylus and cantilever should be equal to the VTF . Unless the stylus snags the magic eraser. But I don’t think that can happen, if you don’t move either the stylus or the magic eraser in the horizontal plane while the two are in contact. And the contact can be extremely brief. One second is sufficient.Like I said, it’s really too simple for most of us.
I used LAST for many years with no problems. But then I got a very nice table top microscope. Examining the stylus tip after cleaning by various methods  reveals to me that magic eraser is much better. However , I think it would be very dangerous to use magic eraser if you attempt to move either the cartridge body or the magic eraser itself while there is contact between the two.  I place the magic eraser under the cartridge body then I use the queuing device on my tonearm to drop the cartridge down on top of the magic eraser, making sure that the magic eraser is completely steady and motionless. Then I use the queuing device to pick up the cartridge. That’s all you have to do. There should be no need to rotate the stylus while it’s in contact with the he ME. That is the evidence based on using my microscope to examine the cartridge before and after. Probably ME will never be fully accepted  by audiophiles  as a way to clean the stylus, because it is too cheap, too easy, and too effective . And has no risk if done correctly.