Knockoffs- how can they just advertise so easily?

Just look at the pictures- are you sure when buying that used cable it is genuine? 

Genuine looking boxes, probably certificates too? Unbelievable. I have heard once a website gets shut down, another one just pops up. 




Showing 3 responses by carlsbad2

Many of these "counterfeits" are made in the same factories as the originals.   a company orders 10,000 and the disreputable manufacturer makes 20,000 and the sells them undercutting the OEM, stealing the intellectual property and all the other investments that OEM has made.  You may find they all have the same serial number or fake serial numbers but they are identical.  This is a very difficult problem to fix since the Chinese government has no interest in fixing it.


If you are only interested in the two examples give in the OP, then I have no info.  I was speaking of the name brands that have their stuff made in China, most do.  Examples include Kimber Cable, Cardas cable stock, and WBT cable connectors.  There are many others.  

I probably won't respond again to a challenge that sounds like I'm a hostile witness in a lawsuit.
