Klyne Audio Arts Dragonfly Wings Interconnects

I realize these cables are probably not very well known. But has anyone tried these that can give me a subjective opinion as to how they sound.

Showing 1 response by mbnfesre55b

I have been using my 1.5m Dragonfly Wings for a week now. They replaced several high-end (expensive) interconnect (unbalanced) cables.

These cables are a revelation. I use them between my Klyne preamp and my Rowland mono-blocks. The word to focus on is, "time". Stan Klyne gets this "so" right. Harmonics, stage depth and instrument placement; image size and accuracy of instument/performer height; clarity and articulation of bass lines. I am ordering two more sets: one for my SACD and one for my Linn LP12.

Stan Klyne has built a reference product, here - one that is so incredibly musically satisfying; and isn't music what it's all about?

Michael Bicak, Redmond, WA