Klyne 7PX question

Hi there, can anyone fax or email the dip switch settings on a Klyne 7PX 3.4 ( or 3.5 ). I have tried to contact Klyne but am not having much luck, thanks.
Thanks everyone, a fellow audiogon member has kindly scanned and emailed me the manual.
I just bought a used Klyne 7px too, and was looking for the same info. Whoever emailed the owners manual to Dover, could you email me a copy too?
I also need the phono settings instructions for an SK6.  Could any kind person email them?  wyberwil@hotmail.com

As Dertonarm mentioned (long ago) there is an addtional, highest

67 dB amplification which is not mentioned in the user manual.

The switches 1,2,3,4+ 5 should be put in ON position.

I got my Klyne pretty recently while previous owner added this

info to his user manual.