Kinki Studio EX-M1+ users - I’v got a volume pot question!

Hi friends! I’ve recently puchased a Kinki Studio EX-M1+ after hearing the first/original version at a friends house. Kinda fell in love with it:) My version, the latest, has a volume control that increases in increments from 00 to 100, using an R2R ladder attenuator. Sounds great, no doubt. But, I really have to turn the knob to get decent volume levels. 50/100 is really not extremely loud on my Pioneer/TAD S-2EX’s (86.5 db). Experience with these speakers tell me they might be getting around 15 Watts at this volume level. Normal listening level is around 35-40/100. This kind of puzzles me. The attenuator can clearly not be linear, but this seems extreme to me… Any input from fellow EX-M1+ users would be appreciated! Thanks! 


Just some cd-players, high end MD decks, etc, it is the same with all sources. But sure, I can get enough gain (and more). Thanks! 

Just turn it up past 50! That type of ladder attenuator is very linear! The Kinki does not have an active line stage. It is just an amp with an attenuator and source selector. All the gain is in the amp.

The input sensitivity is given at 2.25Vrms - 3.6Vrms. I think that is a little on the high side. So it depends on the voltage your source is feeding it. However as long as you are getting a volume level that is working for your system, then it is nothing to worry about. My question is, how many volts does your source put out?