Kef LS60 & Ethernet cables

I am considering a pair of Kef LS60 speakers, was wondering if anyone uses upgraded ethernet cables to the slave speaker and router. My listening space is very challenging  trying a minimalist approach. The current system is a Auralic Aries streamer, Gustard DAC, Hegel h390, Sonus Faber Sonetto V speakers, AudioQuest power conditioner. I've tried Special 40's, R3 metas, LS50s non-meta, T9x sub but the room has tile floors, 12' ceiling with glass window wall on one side. Thoughts are to keep the streamer and get rid of everything else. I've had some experience with active speakers, Genelec 8050 in nearfield but never tried active speakers in a larger room. Looking for a compromise, bookshelf speakers sounds small even with a sub and floor standers dound bloated. 

We just moved into a new home and the system doesn't work in this space so I'm thinking the internal digital correction might make a difference.







you are beter off with an active speaker and  a streamer with dirac


we combine the atc scm 40 tri amped floor standing loudspeakers which are  amazing sounding,  with an nad  c658 streaming/preamplifier dac


Dave and Troy

Audio Intellect NJ

ATC and NAD dealers

I am using LS60s with CAT6 (and S/PDIF) in and CAT6 between the pair and do believe that there is any reason to entertain "upgraded" or "audiophile" ethernet cables.

In a large room with many reflective surfaces, the DSP in the LS60 will probably not be sufficient and that capable room correction will be necessary, as with any other loudspeaker. I would also suggest supplementation with at least two small subwoofers to (1) enhance the dynamic performance of the LS60 and (2) deal with modal acoustic influences.  Again, the latter suggestion applies generally.


Thanks for the replies, particularly kr4. I'm trying to get away from subs again and was hoping LS60 would be a compact alternative based on the YouTube reviews. Perhaps I will just insert a mini DSP into my current system. I don't know if it will cure the echo effect the room generates. I started trying that before, but I'm using an iPad which doesn't have a USB port. I would need a new computer as well as the other items necessary to integrate. It's almost tolerable until the SPL goes up, then, it's like a glorified AM radio. Room treatment is not an option. There's no place to put them other than the ceiling, which I could never sell to my wife. 

Good room correction is essential for you regardless of your choice of loudspeakers.  You can decide about the subs afterwards.