KEF KUBE between Ayre preamp and amp?

I've been driving my KEF Ref 107/2s with Parasound JC 2 BP - 107/2 KUBE - JC 1 monoblocks, but I may want to use Ayre KX-5/20 - KUBE - VX-5/20 instead.  I realize Charles Hansen discouraged inserting anything between an Ayre preamp and amp, and I did have a poor experience when I tried inserting a Bryston 10B crossover -- some of the sonic magic seemed lost.  Am I likely to experience the same thing if I insert the KUBE?  Any suggestions beside eliminating the KUBE?

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My question was for 3-year future planning.  The 107/2s are currently upstairs, the Ayre components downstairs with Ref 1s.  I can't decide whether my Ref 1s supplemented by a pair of subs can replace my 107/2s when I need to downsize.  The 10" subs don't match the LF extension of the 107/2s, but my 15" subs might.
I own a pair of 107s but not the associated Aye equipment.
Why not try it out? It's just a couple of connections and should only take a few minutes to determine if there is any loss in sound quality.

Resist the urge to sell the Kube if you decide not to run it. If you ever try to sell the speakers you'll take a larger hit than had you just stored the Kube away.