KEF blades 2 or Dynaudio C4?

Hi guys, I am trying very soon the Luxman monos M900. I am wondering based on your experience and knowledge which speakers of these two would be a better match for them?
My room 18x12. High ceilings.
I prefer low volume music effortless neutral sound. I had owned KEF 3 and I liked them a lot.
But today I asked three dealers and I got mixed opinions. 
I do appreciate your time giving me your opinion. Kind regards.
Thank you.


Showing 1 response by prof


I agree you are in a tough position when giving praise to speakers like the Kef Blades which you sell.   As you say, many high end dealers choose speaker lines that they are personally impressed by, and can feel good about selling.  So naturally you like what you sell.  Doesn't invalidate the kudos you give for a speaker.

It sort of reminds me of the common refrain that someone who owns a product is "biased" in his/her opinion because of it.  Well, no, not necessarily - the whole reason someone buys, say, a speaker is that they likely compared it to other speakers and came to an opinion on the sound - liked enough to buy.   

I own a variety of speakers and can talk about what I like about them, but it's the same reasons as those that brought me to buying them in the first place.   Yes we have biases about what sound we personally like; but those are operative before you even bought the speaker.