Kef Blades (1), being auditioned...please share your experience.

I am auditioning the Blades in my home. Aside from placement issues, I find a consistent anomaly in the low mid band frequencies and upper base frequencies. It is most recognizable in male vocals, for example, Gregory Porter. There is a crossover point where the voicing goes from warmish to just a bit thin with "edgy" overtones. Female vocals are stunning. Does anyone have any insight/experience that might help. This is consistent with CD, server, and vinyl sources.  It is also consistent with most male voices.  Your feedback is most welcome.

Showing 1 response by yyzsantabarbara

Room acoustics are the main reason I cannot get the Blade2 at the moment. My side walls are too close. Love those speakers though.

One option would be to look at DSP using convolution files as I use in my office. In this scenario you place the speakers where you want and let the DSP magic to it's things. However, I would only use this with streaming sources, not analog sources. It would also help if you are a ROON or JRvier user.

I use the following which was remotely setup for me. It will "fix" the room if that is an issue, which it usually is.