Keep McIntosh C2500 pre-amp or upgrade to C12000?

I am looking to upgrade the sound of my system. My audio guy has told me to consider selling my C2500 and upgrading to the C12000. I’d like to hear an enhanced sound stage. Several folks have told me to start with the pre-amp. Of course this comes down to the VALUE of selling a classic and buying the new kid. I am interested in hearing your input. Thanks in advance.


Showing 3 responses by meadski

i will look into those, soix, thanks for the recommendation!

Yes, Elliott, still running all the original gear. The tube sound is what i was concerned making an upgrade but gaining no value in the sound. I am not dissatisfied at all just want to do make any upgrades worth the money spent. Thanks!

oh, on the turntable i went with a Pro-Ject Extension 9. Happy with it so far, but.....


Which Telefunken tubes? And, @elliottbnewcombjr I did not buy the Sonetto III. but the Olympica Nova III. I upgraded pre-purchase. I enjoy them.