Simple over and upsampling corrects this issue quite easily.
Just what percentage of digital artifacts removed
Digital artifacts
Quantization error.
Quantization error is the difference between the analog signal and the closest available digital value at each sampling instant from the A/D converter. Quantization error also introduces noise, called quantization noise, to the sample signal
To remove aliasing, you need to use an anti-aliasing filter. Quite often, an anti-aliasing filter takes the form of a low pass filter. The issue here is that when you cut the problematic frequencies, you also cut the desirable frequencies above the cutoff point.
What aliasing sounds like depends on the material being played, because it's derived directly from that material.
For example, with high plucked notes such as an acoustic guitar, it might sound like birds chirping. With a low percussive sound such as a kick drum, it might just make the initial hit sound like a cardboard box. With a steady-state tone it might sound like fast frequency modulation. Aliasing is weirdest on bent notes like an electric guitar or synth lead, because the note might be bending upward while the aliasing shifts downward.
One of the most obvious manifestations of aliasing is spoken word encoded at low bitrates. Listen closely to the voiceover in the video linked by IrionDaRonin above, which ironically has noticeable aliasing. It's most noticeable on "S"s and "T"s
In all cases, aliasing sounds bad. Our ears are especially sensitive to it because the aliased frequencies are not harmonically related to the source tones, making them stand out. It's like intermodulation distortion in that respect - even a little bit is offensive to the ear
What sort of negative effects are caused by jitter in DAC? ΔΣ (delta-sigma) DAC also puts many discrete digital samples together with a fast sampling clock to create a continuous analog signal. As the sampling jitter causes the sampling point to go out of sync in this process, it causes deterioration in the quality of the final analog signal. Current high level ADC/DACs incorporate technologies that allow them to minimize the jitter of the master clock, but they are fundamentally unable to completely remove the influence of sampling jitter. Therefore, making a sampling clock with low jitter is an important step in improving sound quality.
A recorded sound or one that is played back with a high sampling clock with a high jitter level can lose its stereo effect and become distorted. Audio interfaces exist to record an original sound and authentically reproduce them.
Thanks for reading.