My experience concurs with others in that I’ve found that sensitive digital devices like DACs and streamers tend to respond favorably to linear power supplies that offer better filtering and regulation than cheap wall warts. These need not be expensive (e.g. <$100 USD) to be effective and deliver positive results. Just recently, Gabster posted a video in which he takes measurements from ten popular aftermarket options: Ten Power Supplies Tested
Just received my LHY Linear Power Supply
I just received an LHY Power Supply from Vinshine Audio. As always, Alvin and his team were wonderful to work with. The addition of the LHY to my Innous Pulse Mini does make an audible difference. The attack of bass has increased, as well as enhanced detail. I wouldn't say it's a night and day difference, but one that is incremental. I think anyone with a streamer that uses a switching power supply would experience a nice uptick in performance with the addition of a linear power supply.