Just ordered a vpi avenger

Hello I ordered a vpi avenger from sound and vision in Ohio 60 miles from my home should they bring and set it up ? Or is that asking to much the table cost is $10.000.00 any input would be nice !

Showing 2 responses by stereo5

If it were I, I would expect to pay extra for the service considering  it is 120 miles round trip, not to mention the trip time.  I bought my Prime at Audio Connections which is 250 miles from my home, one way.  I had them set the entire turntable up and everything was still in check when I got it home.  Adirondack Audio did the same thing for me when I bought my Technics SL1200G in 2018.  They were roughly the same distance from my home as Audio Connections.  Again, everything was on the money when I got home and checked it.

I wouldn't expect the service you are looking  at for free.
@mijostyn,    " The VPI is all bling and no sing."   After owning three different VPI turntables, I agree with you completely,  What galls me the most is the flimsy 3D Unipivot tone arm.  It constantly goes out of alignment and the feel of it gives one, no confidence.  They sure are purty though.