Just my observation - seems like there is less listed on AG

Seems to me like there is less and less gear listed on audiogon... compared to USAM.  Anyone else notice this?


Showing 4 responses by lalitk


A flat 2% flat fee upfront may not seem much but on a high price tag item it is lot and here is the kicker, if your item doesn’t sell you are out of 2%. And pay later option is 3.5% of ‘sold’ price….on a $12K item, well you know!

When is the last time you’ve sold a 5 figure item here?

+1 @ghasley 

Why would anyone list here for exorbitant fees when they can sell the same item on USAM for free 🤑 

“Then too, I haven’t sold anything for quite a while.”


Well in that case you have no idea how quickly these fees adds up. I have sold 62 items in last 18 months on USAM. I am sure you can do the math 😊 Selling audio gear is a loosing proposition, very seldom you break even and in almost all cases you do not recoup your selling fees.

BTW, I am a independent contractor so I have a bit of idea of costs associated with running a business. I am not against the fees and in my 15 plus years of selling on Audiogon, I gladly paid and enjoyed selling here. Sadly, I cannot afford to pay the newly revised exorbitant fees…..I’m a hobbyist, not in a business to make profit on used gear. As @ghasley pointed out, this site is now more geared towards dealers, nothing wrong with that but I wish they would have kept two separate fee tiers for hobbyist and dealers.


Based on the feedback here, I hope @admin (Tammy) takes the time to read this thread and work towards improving end users experience 🤞

Thanks for starting this thread, let’s hope something good comes out of it.