Just got a new Bluesound Node. Very disappointed!

I got the BSN to run to my NAD M51 DAC and everything sound like the treble has been turned up +10db. The bass is also weak. I use Qobuz and Tidal and both sound the exact same way. I can listen to cd’s  is my Oppo of the same music with no problem. 

what gives, is it really this bad?


I have a five of the node 2i units in different systems around the house. While each of these systems also have cd players, turntables and in most cases an outboard DAC I use node through its analog RCA output. Streaming service is Tidal and I do MQA whenever possible. One of the systems does feed an outboard DAC. I had the Mytek Brooklyn + and found it to be somewhat bright. I am now using a Cambridge 200 and like the sound better. I also like the nodes by themselves. While I have heard direct comparisons against better sounding/more expensive units, I think the Bluesound is an incredible value for the money!

May be defective. A digital transport shouldn’t sound like anything. It’s a computer passing digital. 

I have three Bluesound nodes (exercise room, guest cottage, kitchen).  Two are the older version of the Node 2 and one is the latest.  I run Tidal, Spotify, and IDagio through them, and have never had the issue you describe.  Either you got a lemon or their's some setting that got switched, or just some loose connection.  In any case their service Dept will help you track down the problem or replace.

I just bought one a few months ago and it sounds great! I’ve tried Optical, coax and usb. Usb sounds the best in my system. 
As far as set up, the only thing I changed was the volume is set so the node doesn’t control it, my amp does. And that’s it.


I extensively played with the tone controls but felt “off” sounded best