Just curious if anyone knows..

...why VPI discontinued the Traveler table. I have one and it's been perfect...never a problem and sounds excellent. It seemed that it was pretty popular and well reviewed. Just seems odd.

Showing 1 response by lewm

I guess you guys were not around when Audio Research rose to pre-eminence based mostly on HP's adoration of their amplifiers and preamps.  The SP3 preamp went to 3A, 3B, etc, in a matter of several months.  I cannot even remember where it all ended with that model.  The Dual 50 amplifier rapidly went up to at least Dual 50F-1B.  On the amplifiers, it was almost a necessity, as the Dual 50 had a habit of blowing up for one reason or another, and Bill Johnson was constantly making changes to improve reliability, which in turn affected sonics.  My good friend, who owned a Dual 50, was in the habit of saying that the amp was only safe when unplugged.VPI changes names, rather than adding suffixes.