Jungson or DK Design: good with Quad 989's?

HI--I run Quad 989's currently driven by an ARC D-400 solid state amp. Although this set up sounds overall very 'nice', I am looking for more dynamics. I really value midrange presence and body and would like to avoid tube output stages. I would also like to move to an integrated.

I'm intrigued by the buzz on both the Jungson 88D and the DK Design integrateds. Here is my reasoning on mating with the Quads: The Jungson is Class A which I understand is good for electrostats, it's sound has been called tube-like, and is rated at 80w/ch into 8ohms which MAY be enough drive. The DK is 150w/ch into 8 ohms and advertises "a massive output amplifier capable of driving any load..." It is not class A but it does have a tube front end which may offer the midrange I'm looking for, and some ability to tailor the sound using different tubes.

So....Please offer me some informed opinions (or better yet experience!) regarding how well either of these might mate with the 989's. Or, if you have suggestions for another integrated that you have heard making wonderful with the Quads 989/988/63, please advise. --Thanks Much!!
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Atkinsonrr, FWIW, preceeding your post there have been a succession of posts by folks who had never posted on Audiogon who yearned to tell the folks here about how great an amp the DK is. Just nice generous folks who looked up the site and volunteered this information. Unfortunately, many cynical folks here thought these folks might have a financial interest in the success of this amp and they responded accordingly.

Then the nature of the posts changed, instead of talking about the benefits of the amp they posed questions about its use (what kind of ancillaries to use with it, or for comparisons to other well known amps). Again most of these posters were new members of AA or very recent. Again those cynics took over and suggested that these posters probably had a financial interest in the amp and just wanted to get its name in lights, so to speak. The latest post of this nature occurred yesterday. Then along came Atkinsonnrr and the rest is history. Clearly you are not a shill. You just had bad timing.

I, for one, regret having bothered to share with you my feelings about the use of a speaker I currently own and used for 5 years. Had I known the depth of your experience, as you have now recounted, I certainly would not have bothered. And you are absolutly correct, we do have totally different sonic priorities, and your intitled to your's without my further editoralizing on them.

Good luck in your quest for a SS integrated amp that gives you what you are looking for.
Thanks for the explanation re: the weird reception. Makes me wonder if perhaps I am being taken in by the hype that you guys are reacting to. I am somewhat at the mercy of boards like this and reviews (such as they are worth) because I live in Alaska with virtually no dealers and very few like-minded audiophiles to provide actual listening opportunities. Another choice on my short list (again with criteria of integrated and SS output) is the McIntosh 6900. I have heard others with e-stats like the amp, and I always thought the autoformers may have some advantage with this type of speaker. Maybe I will pursue that direction. At least if it doesnt work out, the resale value (buying used) will hold up!
I haven't heard your speakers, but I have heard both integrateds. Both are excellent! The Jungson may be the best value going at $1500, but the DK, which is twice the price, is clearly better. It's clearer, more dynamic, and it does have that tube magic. You can also tune the sound with different tubes. This is not to short change the Jungson in any way, as it's very very good. Both amps offer great value for the dollar.