
Responses from atkinsonrr

Looking for pricing advice for Modded SCD-1
Thanks guys. It helps to have another couple opinions. I will take a flyer and be listing it this weekend. We'll just see what happens! 
Jungson or DK Design: good with Quad 989's?
Thanks for the explanation re: the weird reception. Makes me wonder if perhaps I am being taken in by the hype that you guys are reacting to. I am somewhat at the mercy of boards like this and reviews (such as they are worth) because I live in Ala... 
Jungson or DK Design: good with Quad 989's?
Whoaa... Like a friend of mine used to say, "I feel like I just stepped in sumthin". I dont post very often, as I have a very busy work life and three kids, but shill? Shilling what? Regarding tubes or nothing attitude. I respecfully submit that i...