JPS Labs Aluminata Power Cable On My Integreated Amp!!!

Just recently, I purchased a JPS Labs Aluminata PC specifically for my DAC.  However, after further evaluation, I decided to switch some cables around in my system and try it on my Hegel H590 integrated amp.  All I can say is...........WOOOOOW!!!  Pure magic. 


Congratulations. But then a power cord half the price of the component needs to sound pretty good. 


Ghdprentice - all good but your usual negative comments on power cords , interconnects as well as speaker cables is getting a little long in the tooth. Don’t knock ‘em’ until you have tried as well as own them in your own system.


Excellent! What other gear is in your System?

Happy Listening!

Congratulations kennymacc on your purchase as I have listened to the JPSAluminata power cords and they are special. Joe is very good to work with. Enjoy the music …….

Their IC's are superb as well. An underappreciated cable, should be among the best. Neal

.......this thread has a little time behind it but I was at a friends house recently and he also had the JPS Aluminata power cords in which I have listened to them in the past and liked them. Never bought he can afford other PC's but he stated that they do the best on his system. JPS Labs Cables is no longer as Joe is now making world class headphones. Are they worth another listen to ?  One dealer said to me ; '' ohhhhh that's old technology ''  in which he noted that the newer cable designs are better . Really ....What ???? So if anybody or the original OP wants to comment it would be appreciated. Thank you I might just look into them for my system.   


Hello, I'm the OP and I still absolutely love my JPS Labs Aluminata power cable on my Hegel H590 integrated amp.  As for the JPS Labs Aluminata power cables (the original ones) being old technology.....not for me, as it bested every other new tech cable I tried on my amp.  And that goes for my over 15 year old JPS Labs Superconductor 3 speaker cables as well.  Last year, I upgraded all the old cables I had in my audio system that I had for years except for my JPS Labs Superconductor 3 speaker cables.  I replaced the PC that I was using on my amp with the JPS Labs Aluminata PC.  As stated, I held on the my old JPS Labs speaker cables simply because they've performed so phenomenally for me over the years and I saw no reason to replace them.  Happy listening.