
Where are you in your audiophile journey? Mine began in 1968 with my brother and I investing in a AR tuntable, AR speakers and Dynaco amp. After a hiatus of twenty years to get educated, raise kids and put them through professional schools I resumed my journey after meeting a fellow Audiogoner. With his guidance, my system as evolved through four different amps, four premaps, four cd players and four different pairs of speakers and numberous tweeks most through trading on the Gon. My wife asked a profound question: " When does it all stop? Is all the tweeking and seeking ever gong to end? Can't you be satified with what you have?" As I reflected on her question, I asked myself: What is my (your) endpoint? Or, is there and endpoint? Are you having more fun in the process or have you reached your sonic "enlightment'? If you have "arrived" then how?

Showing 3 responses by rnwong

Thanks for all the responses. Is the deeper issue that we are seeking for the sake of seeking. It is often said the struggle of the goal is more often more satisfying than reaching the goal. That tweek, or new addition gives you momentairy pleasure then you go looking for that one "last dohicky" that you just know will turn your system into "sonic nirvana"!!! Is that you.....? What is driving this insanity????
My brother said it best: "Listening helps me to feel more". The arts move us to an emotional response. To that end, we never stop growing. The journey, the process and the destination are all important towards making us more complete human beings. Thanks for all the imput. Happy listening.
My brother said it best: "Listening helps me to feel more". The arts move us to an emotional responses. To that end, we never stop growing. The journey, the process and the destination are all important towards making us more complete human beings. Thanks for all the imput. Happy listening.