John Potis - Rest in peace


It is with a heavy heart that I come to tell the Audiogon community that John Potis has passed away last night. As I got to read his work at and Positive Feedback Online, I developed a strong appreciation for his reviews of high-end audio components. I came to feel he was perhaps the best writer in the high-end audio hobby currently. Not only did John exhibit the great skill of being able to balance the artistic and technical aspects of a component he was describing, he also did a bang up job in letting the reader know how it actually sounded.

He was a bull of a man, and it still seems impossible to me that the cancer took him down so quickly.

Though manufacturers/distributors and reviewers are supposed to keep a high wall between them, John and I developed a very close and deep friendship over the almost 2 years time that I came to know him. He was a devout family man, possessed a wicked sense of humor, was a great guy to hang out with, but most of all, he was a genuinely good and decent man who did his best each and every day.

Godspeed to his wife and two daughters,

Showing 2 responses by audiofeil

There's a vendor currently advertising on Audiogon who continues to use John Potis' reviews in his ads.

Don't know about you but I find this extremely distasteful.

What say you Wally?
Perhaps, in hindsight, disrespectful may have been a better choice of words.

Lastly, comments regarding products in my line are always restricted to technical, compatibility, and service issues.

Unlike oracle, bobbyp, robert, and a host of others I don't use the threads for financial gain; my posting history is testament to that.