Joey Molland has passed away

The last surviving member of the classic line-up of Badfinger has passed away.

R.I.P. were an incredible guitar player!


If you watch any of the youtube video’s of live (or lip synching) performances you’ll note Joey (unlike the others) is clowning for the camera and repeatedly trying to connect with the bass player, who steadfastly ignores him. This might suggest some personality differences/interpersonal tensions in the band.

Of course this doesn’t change the fact that what he plays is perfect for those tunes. Whether he wrote those fills and leads, or whether Pete Hamm wrote them, I don’t know.

There have been threads about "the perfect pop song" here in the past and it seems to me "Baby Blue" and "Day After Day" are extremely strong contenders.

It's sickening that such creative people were treated so poorly. 

 i read that there was a lot of static between him and the estates of the other bf members over writing credits and royalties, but he was a very good writer/musician. his sad fate, however, was to be a very good writer/musician in a band with a great one, sorta like george in the beatles.

I didn't know who Mr. Molland was until an old interview with him came up on my news feed yesterday.  He talked about how watching Elvis P. inspired him to play guitar and how he wasn't really interested in joining Badfinger because they weren't hard enough rocking.  He ended up having a wonderful time with the band and he was very proud of their work.  Unfortunately, they sold millions of records but only made $300/week due to their corrupt/thieving manager.  He had an creative and interesting life.