Job 225 vs nuprime St 10

So recently I purchased the nuprime dac 10, which has been a great step up, but my Parasound zamp v3 now seems like the weakest link in my system, even though i like how it sounds but  they are only 45w p/c, so it runs hot kind often. I have heard the St 10 but not in my current system. With this amp I’m a bit worried to lose then fun sound of the zamp which  I think is a bit warm, maybe would be too lean.
By the other hand the job 225 looks what I want, a funny, engaging, musical amp, but I haven’t heard it and I am not able to hear it,  so if I buy it will be a blind bought.

Also what I want to improve the most is depth and want to get the best midrange my budget allows, without losing details, Soundstage, imaging  separation 
So I hope some of you guys have heard both if not still will be glad to read your thoughts.

BTW I have also considered and heard in my system the halo a23 but depth is not its best quality, just a bit more of the same from the zamp, which is not bad but is not the level of improvement I am looking for.
So thanks for your help

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