JM Reynaud Trente to GMA Callisto or Merlin TSMMe?

I'm thinking of selling my beloved JM Reynaud Trente's and upgrading to something better. I'm thinking maybe GMA Callistos or Merlin TSM-MMe. Would these speakers be an upgrade or a side step compared to what I have now?
One lesson I have learned, if you are happy with your current speakers dont sell them until you have another pair in your house you prefer. I had a guy trade me his JMR Offrandes for my Merlin VSM Milleniums I thought the Offrandes destroyed the Merlins he prefered the Merlins.
About 5 years ago I traded JMR Offrandes for GMA Continuum 1.5 i speakers. Overall I think it was a good move. The Offrandes were a little on the piercing side sometimes, but were really precise. Both speakers continued to get better for several months after installation even though they were used. It might be tough to make a decent comparison of speakers that are a good fit in your system since you probably can't try speakers out for six months a pop. Alot of times one night shoot outs are pretty useless. You could try moving up the JMR line if your room and components are suitable, or you could (hopefully) have some fun trying different things. Going nuts and not having alot of fun is a commonly chosen option.
The GMA is a step up and the Merlin a step down IMO.

Trust your ears and don't be in a hurry to spend your children's inheritance.
I've never heard the Callistos or TSM's, but I've been extremely happy with my upgrade from Trentes to Offrandes. I agree with Duanegoosen that moving up in the Reynaud line may make sense, although I've never had his experience of the Offrandes as being even remotely piercing. I'm driving mine with a VAC Avatar Super integrated amp. I find them to portray a great sense of presence, air, and timbral nuance, while still sounding pleasingly warm. I love them for jazz and chamber music, mostly what I listen to.

Someone had a pair of last generation Offrandes listed at a good price recently. I don't know if they're still available.