JL Audio F113 --- Loud Buzz --- ??? --- Bizzarre

I have two F113's in my 2 channel system. I keep them in the Auto Mode so they turn on when they sense a signal. All of a sudden one starts blurting out this high pitched rumble that ends up stuttering loudly. Turn the power switch to off and obviously it stops. Turn it back on and it emmits the same sound and it doesn't stop. I have tried other power recepticles, unhooking IC's that run to the pre amp. No success ......... what the **** happened ???? Bizzarre ????

Showing 2 responses by zenieth

Thanks Elizabeth, I was hoping for something not as bad. Oh well, I still have one to enjoy while the other is getting repaired. I also noticed that we must have a power dispution / surge. These units were plugged directly into the wall. Should I be using a surge protector between the sub and the wall outlet? Luckily both didn't get damaged ...
I guess I'll start running them through a surge protector. We didn't have a storm, just loss of power. The rest of my equipment runs through my Hydra 6. I don't have any problems with any other gear. Should I have a surge unit on the Hydra before going to the power in the wall? I always unplug when a thunderstorm is coming through. I live in Salt Lake and it's still Winter and snowing !!! My luck ........ go figure.