Jena cables

Has anyone tried them out recently? They are highly touted. Compared against Nordost and Synergistic?

Showing 2 responses by tireguy

I have listened to them and am ordering a 5meter Symphony line(there midline) XLR balanced cable for use with my new CD player. For there money I don't think they can be beat, some claim they are better then Valhalla, I don't know since I haven't compared the two back to back, how ever there is a member who uses the moniker MikeLavigne who knows a lot about all of the cables we are talking about. He favors the sound of the Valhalla, and uses Transparent Opus speaker cables(which I don't think much is in the same league as them) but he can give you a very honest opinion on them. Also the member Jtinn is a dealer for them and will be able to offer some sort of recomendation and opinion on these compared to other cables that he sells, and has heard. I am currently using Cardas Golden Reference cables which I feel are slightly warm, and slightly colored in the midrange-though I am still VERY happy with them, but am leaning towards the more nuetrel side of sound lately.

Tekunda-which of the Jena labs cables have you listened to? I thought the Valkyre surpassed the Valhalla on every level and the symphony was so darn close it was hard to chose a winner. Don't let the low MSRP fool you, with these cables it is hard to compare apples to apples. I have no experience with the Pathfinder, though they were the cables used in what is being called the best sounding room ever at CES, which was of course the Audio Aero, Tenor, Rockport, Jena room.
