Jeff Rowland, what happened ?

I haven’t seen anything new from Jeff Rowland in the past 3-5 years. A lot of their equipment on their website say suspended with nothing new coming out. I wonder if the brand is on its way out?


I heard Jeff was ill....this was years ago.  I had a Model 7 which was great..I now have Ayre

Former Model 5 owner.  IMHO, Rowland jumped the shark when they transitioned to Class D.  Rowland owners always knew that they were paying a premium for the beautiful casework, but paying for a third party class d module wrapped in expensive casework was the last straw.  That is when Rowland became a marketing company 


I emailed and included a link to this post. My email was sent yesterday.

I told him I do not work for Audiogon but wanted JRDG to be aware of what people were saying. If I get a response, I will post it here. I have received nothing as of yet.