Jcat network xe on pc server for roon

I got Weiss dac 501 with an integrated streamer, now I want to build pc for a server ( currently using mac mini for roon core) and want to put Jcat network xe card in my pc.
My question is, am i going to improve my sound with just jcat network card ( using my dacs streamer ) or should i go full on USB and net cards with lpsu of course, so i totaly avoid streamer in my dac. My idea is to start with jcat network card in terms of getting cleaner signal but i herd that it is better if i go over usb and net card altogether. Hope my question is clear.:)

Current setup is weiss dac with built in streamer, ansuz network switch and mac mini 2012 just for roon core. my dac has an roon end point as well as upnp, usb, spdif, aes ebu....

Any opinion is welcome.




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