I have had these speakers since 1977; I had to re-foam the woofers about 20 years ago, but otherwise still in excellent shape.  In the last 15 years, I moved on equipment-wise and since shelved the L36s. So the other day, out of curiosity,  I decided to pull them out and connected them to my  current VPI, VAC and ARC front end; they were actually quite impressive!    For what was considered a “bookshelf” speaker at the time, they could pull off a large soundstage for these small boxes and fill my relatively large 18 x 20 room!  

I remember at the time listening to both the L36 and the L100; I actually preferred the L36 as I thought the L100 was bass heavy.  Does anyone else have any experience they would like to share on these speakers?  After my most recent audition, I am hanging on to them and listening to them more often!





Showing 1 response by millercarbon

L36 were beyond my meager paper route money in 1973. My best friend got them but I waited until the L25 Prima went on sale, which was a good sale being as ugly as they are. L36 had the midrange and nice wood cabinet. We were college roommates and with two sets of JBL had "the" stereo on campus. 

That midrange made all the difference. Mine were kept until the foam disintegrated. His, I don't know. What little imaging we got was nothing compared with today. But we didn't know any better and besides, they were LOUD!!😍