JBL L100 Classic 75's - Thoughts, Impressions, Serial Numbers

Hey everyone,

I recently took delivery on a pair of JBL L100 Classic 75’s. I love the look of these and what I’ve been able to experience so far. This is the first pair of JBL’s I’ve owned in my audio journey. Most of my time in the hobby has been with smaller bookshelves plus a sub (2.1). I was curious who on the board has a pair of these and what your thoughts were? How do they compare to other speakers you’ve had? Also curious what serial numbers are out there.I’m in the US and my pair is pair #264.



Showing 1 response by whoopycat

Congrats, the 75's really look stunning.

I only heard the L100 at the dealer.  They can rock effortlessly.  They scared me off because to me they seemed very bass heavy, and this was in a large listening room at the dealer with quite a bit of space around them.  I felt the L82 would've been a better fit for me but the dealer didn't have them in stock at the time.