Jantzen Wax Coil or Mundorf M-Coil CFC

Hi Everyone,

Need to build a new crossover for my Tannoy Monitor Red. My first choice for inductor is Mundorf Copper Air , M-Coil CFC. But it don't have the value I need and so I have to ask Mundorf to custom made it for a price. Then I found the Jantzen Copper Wax Coil, which looks fancy and cheaper. However, Can't find any review online. 

I am wondering if anyone has experience with these coil and which is better? 


Showing 2 responses by sns

Timely posts for me! I purchased both Jantzen Litz wire wax and Jantzen solid wire inductors some time ago as final mods for my Klipschorn crossovers. Can't recall exactly why I purchased both solid wire and litz wax wire, seems I remember something about litz being preferable to solid for tweeters, or maybe I have it backwards. Can anyone inform me as to preferences here?