JADIS DEFY7, can not get it to sing

I hope some of you old pros can help answer my,,well lets say help me figure out how to get my Jadis defy 7 to sing. I purchased the amp used (like new, as the seller had a  Jadis JA200 mono blocks laready and the Defy sat quiet, So I bought it in 2008. Months later i purchased a  MINGDA tube pre amp, sounded AWEFUL, Not even close to my jadis Orch reference, KT90's EI tubes, that intergrtaed was really all I needed, i made a  huge costly mistake selling and buying the  DEFY 7, I do believe that w/o a  powerful pre, to DRIVE the FQ's into the Defy, the Defy will not respo9nd. 
The sound is flat, lifeless, no dynamics, The Orch Refer had HUGE sound stage, bass, GORGEOUS life like mids, nice sweet highs. 
I wanted more and bought the Defy,. 
I just had the Defy cked in Baton Rouge, had the KT90's brand new EH tuibes biased . 
I have a  ONKYO preamp arriving next week and am about to buy a  Mitshibushi Pre amp, 
I have a  LITE LS9 , chinese tube preamp, and that pre sounds like the,,no worse than the heftier Ming Da. 
This Lite LS9 is suppose to be a copy of the Jadis 200 pre, It weighs only 7 lbs, the trans is light weight.
I get  the idea the jadis Defy needs a  great hefty powerful prem, which is what folks told me back when i bought it, I did not believe them. 

I am low on  cash and will list the Defy for $3500 and i will pay shipping. 
I will then wait fora  great used Jadis intergrated, say a  DA50.

But I 1st want to try the 2 solid state pres to see if i can get the Defy to wake up.
It I can get some better respose , i may keep it and look for a  good used Audio reserach or a  macnintosh.
I do not have $6K for a jadis pre used. 
My budget is $1K
any help is greatly appreacitaed.
I have the uncredibly  SEAS Thor MTM speakser along with the CAYIN tube cd player with upgraded opamps .
As I say I am very close to selling the hge, hardly used (Like New) amp, due to my doubts that I can get the amp to respond like its tiny brother , The Orch Reference. 
btw I am the one who coined the tag *shootout* wayyyy back in 2000, or 2001 
I stared a  thread of speaker shootouts,,,and based on that long thread, i bought the SEAS THor kits. 
I now see *shoot out* is now the common tag for speaker and stereo components comparison.
My old login was Bartokfan.
Look forward to any suggestions in my dilemma.
new orleans

Showing 7 responses by mrdecibel

I had a Defy 7. One of the better tube amps I owned, or borrowed. Extremely high input impedance ( around 500 K ). Sounded great with matching Jadis preamp. There are straps under the chassis to get a good match between it and the speakers it is driving. A very complex amplifier. It went through several revisions, as I knew the importer, and got the scoop. My opinion : Sell the Defy, as you will not get it to do what it is capable of doing. I 2nd stereo5, as you are wasting your time and money on those preamps. As far as you coining the phrase " shoot out " in 2000, I, and my audio buddies and partners, have been doing shoot outs, and using the term, since the late 60s. So, I am sorry to burst your bubble. Maybe you can become " coined ", as being the 1st individual, to use a cheap solid state preamp, with a Jadis Defy 7 ( I am sorry, I had to ). Enjoy ! MrD.
The OP, in his initial post, mentions the speakers he is using. All that is needed is to read.....imo
mozartfan, when I owned it ( for about a year's time ) it produced quite more heat, than my 100 wpc Krell KSA 100. And, because of my, admittedly, high volume levels, microphonics was a big problem ( other tube products, as well, not just the Defy ). Another poster here, on your thread, who made a comment, briefly, but deleted his post, suggested using a passive preamp. The Defy would work well with a passive, and I am currently a big advert to passive preamps ( I love my Luminous Audio unit ). But, it still is a lot of amp, and the recommendation I have, is the same. Sell it. My best to you, Enjoy ! MrD.
Stereo5, I feel your wording, and attitude, to be very offensive. That would be like me saying, I do not like the SQ of Mac amplifiers using autoformers ( which is true ), but, understand those that do like them, as yourself. I also feel all tube preamps " color " the music, as I use a passive device, but again, I understand why folks prefer them. You obviously have very little personal use of some of these so called Chinese made clones, so how can you comment. Besides, I know some folks who would not purchase your speakers, for the very reason you put down this " Leaf " product; " Made in China ". Just not justified, imo.....I apologize if I hurt your feelings in any way. Audio, and more specifically, music listening, should be fun, and positive shares, instead of blatant put downs, are needed here, on the 'Gon. Enjoy ! MrD.
stereo5, whatever dude......handbags are an excellent example of copying a design. I see nothing wrong with it. It gives women, and possibly, some men, satisfaction, that they can own a $3500. look alike for under $100. If you look at the parts in this Leaf unit, I would suspect it would cost a few thousand, if it was built here. As far as using many more " smaller sized capacitors ", many designers feel this is superior ( Steve McCormack might have been the 1st to do this, as far as I know ). And copying designs ? Stewart Hegeman; Matti Otala; and a few others, whose circuit designs have been copied, and appeared, in so many American made products. No where in the Leaf ad, does it suggest, it is the equal of the Audio Research LS 22, of which it's circuit was copied. BTW, I have no reason to purchase any amplifier at this time, as I am very happy with the collection I have, specifically, a pair of mono blocks, designed by Hafler, for the movie cinema industry, and I can honestly say, they run my modified Klipsch Lascalas, quite " invisibly ". I did mention I was not fond of McIntosh amps ( solid state, specifically ), that use autoformers. I sold many, and have owned many. However, I did say, I understand why listeners enjoy them, but you still became defensive. And as far as tube preamps....been there, done that. " I " choose to listen to my recordings, unadulterated, non smoothed over, non colored, non editorialized, as this, brings me closer, to what is actually going on, with the musicians, the performers, the producers, and the studio engineers. I gave credit to the listeners, such as yourself, for enjoying tubes, and the Mac amplifiers. You responded hostile, and combative. I do not care if someone stated, that my system was not to their liking ( btw, this has not happened yet, after listening ). My system, is for me, no one else. You are a very angry individual, so it appears, and I am not the only one who sees this. So take care, my friend, and enjoy your system ( s ), as I am happy for you....really......Always, MrD.

@mozartfan, you asked, so here it goes....I have kinda supported you throughout your journey, but I have to say ( and I do not mean any harm ), that, you are all over the place. Take a deep breath, relax, wait for the Leaf, as you did order it, and see ( hear ) where that combo takes you. You are making it impossible for me to continue reading your thread, as you are " jumpy ". This is not a life or death situation, but I am seeing you as a very uptight individual, concerned over one of the greatest and enjoyable pass times we all share; music, and the listening joy it brings us. As to the others ( you people ) here, who do not like the Chinese products, I do not know what to tell you. This is life. You would rather spend $3500. on a handbag, so be it. Not everyone has that kind of cash, so, good for you folks who do. You likely have no issues with the ridiculous cost of medications the pharma companies are presenting to us, and I hope you people never need them........Everybody....relax.....and ENJOY ! MrD.
I do not understand one thing you say. " I can not stand a warm sound ". Tubes add warmth. Yes, some designs, some tubes, more than others, but, they all, do, add warmth, even the mega dollar units. I choose to not use tubes, for that very reason. I understand those that do use tubes. But they do not make this statement as you. I think I will leave this thread for a while............Enjoy ! MrD.