It's almost like poll, but certainly more fun

If you had Rolex 2-tone Daytona, would you trade it for an audio component, system or would rather not trade it?

For me, personally, I'd still be in research of such component (far a lot easier task vs. researching a system) that will be equal or higher value and keep value same or better... It's darn HARD to look there for me and maybe I'd go to Guitar Avenue and find valuable components there.

You may get different or even better idea


I am not trying to trade any Rolex Daytona, I just want discharged chat here!


Showing 1 response by sokogear

I like wearing a watch especially when you need to see the time discreetly  without signaling to someone that is what you are doing, like rudely looking at your phone. I got a Rolex 20 + years ago after getting sick of the depreciation other nice watches took after a few years and started looking dated. Since I bought it, it is now worth about triple of what I paid. It's a sub - no date and I liked it then and now since the date doesn't take up a big chunk of the face of the watch. As I get older, being done with a decision is a nice thing. Now I hope to only replace Audio gear when it breaks, which is thankfully rare, other that a stylus replacement (or cartridge upgrade) when it goes every 3-4 years.