It’s all a matter of degree

It may be stating the obvious, but each A’goner will have his own idea of how far he must go to satisfy his addiction.  To one member, enjoyment can be obtained with just a setup and no tweaks. Another will add a few or several and be satisfied.  Then there are those who must go on an all out quest for nirvana which may never be sated.

Which camp are you in?


Showing 1 response by tony1954

I love music and I love my equipment, but my reality is that I am on a fixed income since my unforeseen retirement. That hasn't prevented me from completely overhauling my setup during Covid, but it does limit my options to mostly used equipment.  This isn't a problem, as there are more than enough people out there that swap equipment like I change my underwear.

An added benefit of buying used is that my resale price is often the same, or more than what I paid. Buying audio equipment new is the same as buying a new car. You lose 30% just driving it off the lot.