Issues With McIntosh C2200 Balanced Input

I have a Wadia 23 CD player, a McIntosh C2200 preamp, and a pair of McIntosh MC2102 amps. I had been using unbalanced interconnects between all components. I switched to balanced interconnects and seem to have lost about half my gain. The lose is between the CD player and preamp.

I called McIntosh technical support, they thought I could have lost a pin on my balanced connectors, but the odd thing is, both channels are equally affected. Someone else suggested this could just be the architecture of the McIntosh preamp.

I'm wondering if any other C2200 owners are experiencing something similar.

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Showing 2 responses by cocozhou

So the question remains, is this simply the McIntosh architecture, something to do with the grounding not being a true balanced input or is the CD player hosed?