
Responses from cocozhou

Peak Consult Zoltan vs Sonus faber Amati Annivers
In terms of the physical beauty of the speakers, that's a laydown. The Amati Anniversarios are simply beautiful. I hate to stir the pot because I know there is going to be quite a few rebutals, but the Peak products I don't think look good at all.... 
Issues With McIntosh C2200 Balanced Input
Trim gives me +/- 6 db, the gain difference is much more significant than that. 
Issues With McIntosh C2200 Balanced Input
So the question remains, is this simply the McIntosh architecture, something to do with the grounding not being a true balanced input or is the CD player hosed? 
OK, Here's One For You, Industry Quantification...
Guys,The conversation is interesting, if not somewhat entertaining. I must say, Pbb does make an interesting point in that the high-fidelity world at some level is subjective. Now mind you, all the engineers out there would read that line and be s... 
Opinions on Dynaudio Confidence C4
Question about the C4s? I am interested but have a very big room - about 28'x30' and a vaulted ceiling that starts at 16't and rises up from there. I am in the middle of replacing my entire system - I went from Quicksilver gear, V4s and line pream... 
jamo speakers e650
I have the Jamo Concert 11s - D870s, I believe. I freak'n love 'em. I actually want to buy a new set of speakers; I want to get tied up into the rush and worry over musicality, and bass control, and sound stage; I want to fret over the technical d... 
Quicksilver V4 amps
I had the V4s driving Jamo Concert 11s: 4 ohms and 91 db. I was using the Quicksilver Line Stage Preamp. The freaking system simply worked and could play anything - jazz, blues, rock, classical, soul - anything!I highly recommend.