Isolation /platform for TW Raven One

the wait is killing me but i should have by Raven One soon.
While reading the different forums I would like to get to more better about the different isolation platforms Raven One owners have used for this TT ?
I personally would probably start out putting the Raven under a wooden cabinet made out of MDF.
How about you guys ? whats been the experience ?
Gerrym5: what color did you get on the SRA? Is there anything special about it's design as it relates to the motors (ie carve-outs for the motors), or just one sold platform? I'm considering a platform for my AC1, chasing my tail between SRA/HRS, lab types (vibraplanes to halcyonics).

Let me know how you settled on the SRA. They are beautiful.

I have a SRA "Ohio-Class" for an AC-3 on order. Will find out how it works in late February. I'm expecting there's an improvement I can hear. It could be great or it could possibly over damp the table. I'll hear it soon.
Essentialaudio, Thanks for the thoughts. The Vibrablane is "non rigid" too. I also put some electronics on the Sink and also found them over damped. History for me.
Bluewolf, because the Kuzma Stabi Reference already has a spring-in-oil damped suspension with an approx. 2 Hz resonant frequency, putting it on a non-rigid support such as a Seismic Sink resulted in them 'fighting' each other and probably amplifying resonances instead of reducing them.
When you guys refer to "SRS" makes a specific platform for the Raven One do you mean SRA? If so which model, they have a few and what do they cost.
Stiltskin, My memory of the Townsend was a painful one. I do not have a Raven so maybe it simply hated my sprung Kuzma Stabi Reference. For me, it ranks in the top 3 worst hi-fi purchases I made in 38 years in the hobby. My recollection of it some 12 or so years ago was that it over damped. The sound was better without it and I ended up tossing it. The Vibraplane on the other hand was excellent, but is ridiculously over priced when compared to the old pricing for non Vibraplane badged items sold to the scientific community. It is a great product but unfortunately an example of the rip-off pricing we enjoy in hi-fi.
Anyone here remember Townshend's air bladder platform from the 1980s?
This was and still is a very effective method of isolating vibrations, a idea simply taken from the scientific and medical communities.
Want the very best available today , look no further to what is available to the scientific and medical communities....$$$$....
There are limit's with with this table and only so much can be done.

Returning to Townshend's method,.... Find a used Townshend OR try a slate platform sitting on a mountain bike inner tube.
Fold and tie off to fit under the platform and adjust air pressure. Yes low air pressure.
Tables experimented with this method, Raven One, re-furbished Micro Seiki 5000, re-furbished Technics SP 10 MKII.
Definitely works very well with belt drives except the Technics and is "thousands of dollars" less then Minis K, Vibraplane ect. from the science community.
However if you must have the very best look no further.

Symposium Acoustics Ultra Shelf is great for turntables! I have one under my Super Scoutmaster with rimdrive and it is truly excellent. Tighter bass, better focus, soundstage and imaging.
Bought a Raven One from Jeff last April with the stillpoints. Extremely happy with it, and yes, I did unscrew the stillpoints from the base slightly-a small but noticeable improvement over them tightened to the base. My Raven One is sitting on an Atlantis stand without anything else under it, might try maple block under the stillpoints. I hear dead quiet background with this setup and it isnt susceptible to footfalls, even though the floor is a suspended one.--Mrmitch
Dont forget about the Vibraplane, comes in active or passive models, performs flawlessly.
Good idea, but the Raven One would be too light to let the Vibraplane performing at its optimum level. Same is true for even the heavier Raven AC.

So, that's my own experience with the Raven AC, you need some extra weight on top of the Vibraplane - in case of the Raven One approx. 40 kg -, then place the turntable on it.

What Emailists wrote above, seems to be interesting: "active isolation platform, but SRS makes a specific platform for the table." Any further informations available?
Dont forget about the Vibraplane, comes in active or passive models, performs flawlessly.
Toffeng Precisely, it ain't the wall stand, it's the wall. I live in a Victorian Terrace with walls of nothing much more than plaster. How they support the Raven One I am not quite sure
Slate here too .. about 6cm. thick and it works very well
I have used 2" solid maple and am now using 1" slate. I prefer the slate because of better dynamics and pace. By comparison the maple shelf sounded slightly muddy and was subjectively slower.

The slate sits on top of a Mapleshade Sampson rack with Mapleshade Isoblocks (cut in 1/2 thickness) between the rack and the slate. The rack sits on carpet over concrete in my basement listening room.

Jeff C. passed on a tweak to slightly unscrew the Stillpoints feet from the bottom of the table. Try this once you get your table and see if you like it.
Any chance anyone here have used Symposium on the Raven One?

I am sorry for the wrong tread. Its should be

Cheeers, ToffenG

I am also buying a Raven One very soon. The Scandinavian dealer reccommend a wall shelf plus a Harmonic Resultion System M3 Base ( Its made out of granite. Check also out the wall shelf Audio Magic shelfs from Denmark ( They can handle the weight of both the Raven One and the base. It will all depend on your wall really.

Good luck!

Cheeers, ToffenG
I use a wall shelf, so a heavy slate stand is out of the question. I am not sure how the wall shelf stays up as it is, even the Raven one is pretty heavy. I swapped the stock millenium feet for stillpoints with risers and heard a clear improvement. I am sure a Sistrum would be better, but I am happy
emailist, thank you for the reply.
apparently we are using the same arm, mine s the phantom I.
Are you by chance using a right angle din to rca cable ?
where can i buy slate ? is that something from a hardware store ?
You can look up some of my posts to see responses about this topic, but basically, TW suggests a 1 inch thick slate for the table to rest on. I replaced the stock feet (mine didn't come with stillpoints - which yours probably do) with a Sistrum SP-1 stand, which used to rest on slate.

I have now gone to a very expensive active isolation platform, but SRS makes a specific platform for the table.