
Discussions toffeng has started

Choice of riaa and pickup - Norway callin'44603
Arm to a Eat Forte S196826
My wifes birthday present - a turntable524019
Paint crack Wilson Sophia 21197116
Cables for Sophia 2 and Burmester1180615
Cartridge and step up / riaa for TW Acustic Raven2510139
Turntable wall shelf111048
Best Firewire converter to S/PFIF31472
Sophia II's and Pass Labs etc3866941
DSP / Analog Eq / room treatments41601
Best room treatment64918
Audio Research vs Burmester Audio2383016
Cerapuc / Cerabase for Wilson Sophia 264616
Turntable advise needed - Norway callin'688414
Wilson Audio Duette - Burmester amps?95635