IsoAcoustics GAIA

I have IsoAcoustics GAIA II isolators installed on my Sonus faber Liuto floorstander speakers on hardwood floor. I expected some improvement and I got it. Bass is cleaned up and tightened. Stage became more clear because isolators removed a curtain made by unfocused, scattered bass. Floor and sofa vibrations almost disappeared completely. And... WAF is good. GAIAs passed my wife's inspection. Is there anybody with some experience regarding those isolators?


I found more of a differance due to the hight change then anything else when i installed them. I don't understand how a wobly system like the gia's can increase bass definition, etc,etc.

They definelty helped with noise transfer to other rooms specialy in the bass. But to me that just means they are turning bass movment (cabinet movment) into heat. So I've wondered why they dont lose resolution due to the unstable'ness of the system as a whole. I understand they are (suposedly) directional. No idea, but i use them still even though i'm not convinced they are doing anything for sound quality. 

I used the Gaias under my current 125 pound loudspeakers are over a year with good results but replaced them with Stack Audio AUVA 100 and noticed quite a difference in bass, low level detail, ambiance and image focus was much better due to AUVA's rigidity.


Iso Acoustics is yes men’s favourite accessory but not all of us agree. I tried mine under PMC speakers and decided they did not provide better sound on my bouncy floors. Sold them. 

I tried the Gaia  feet on a pair of B&W speakers and it made a huge improvement-much better imaging and coherence overall.  


I then moved to Magico speakers and I didn't like what the Gaia feet brought to the sound- it softened the transients too much and dulled the high's- so I went back to spike's with the Magico's.  

I also really like Isoacoustics for speakers.  I started with GAIA for my floor standers and they were great.  Then I had stand mount speakers in another room.  I use the Aperta between the speaker and the stand.  Not only did I get the same sound improvement but also I could add some tilt.  I think they helped here even more as my stands aren't that great.

I did try the pucks for my turntable and I have to say that was a disappointment.  I guess the built in isolation was enough.  I didn't notice any difference but still have it installed as I couldn't return them and don't know where else to use them.