Is this when you have "arrived??"

Just had a guest leave my house after a quick early morning listening session.
Only 4 album sides, the last of them being Tales of Mystery and Imagination Alan Parsons.
Towards the end of the first part, he was making the couch shake. I looked over.

He was crying. (Not because his ears hurt)

He was ashamed. This is the second time this has happened to me, but the first time without "enhancements" being involved.

Have I arrived at true high end?

Showing 1 response by tobias

That sounds like a wonderful moment. Thanks for sharing. I only wish a great setup and great music (and maybe a great deal) were all it took to make me--and apparently your guest--feel as strongly. There are, for better or worse, other factors involved, as Ghosthouse says.

It has happened to me once or twice. The most embarrassing time was when I installed a budget system I had purchased for a friend and played it for the first time. She wanted to hear Joni Mitchell singing "Both Sides Now". (Gee, with that song, maybe I should have seen it coming.)

We didn't know each other as well as all that so when the tears started to flow I felt pretty awkward. The system was a Rotel RCD-855, a Harman-Kardon HK630 from the 70s, and a pair of Energy 2.1s mounted on the wall.